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Thank you for supporting Ijams Nature Center!
For help with or questions about your donation/membership, to update your donation method,
or to receive a gift history report or end-of-year tax receipt,
please contact Development Coordinator Karen Cooley at or 865-577-4717 ext. 1007
Donate Now   
*Donation Amount: $
*Gift purpose::
Donor Information:
*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Zip/Postal Code:
*Email Address:
Home Phone:
Payment Information:
Remember This Card ?Checking this option will securely store your account information, so you won't need to re-enter it next time.
*Name on Card:
*Card Number:
Okay to include dashes or spaces
*Card Expires:          
*Security Number: ?
3 Digit Card Verification Number
To insure a secure transaction, we require that you enter your credit card verification number. This is a 3-digit number printed on the back of your card on the signature panel, to the right of your card number.
The American Express verification number is a non-embossed 4-digit number printed on the front of your card. It appears above your card number.
Card Nickname: ?This feature allows you to provide a nickname to a card that is easy for you to remember (eg. Mary's Mastercard. Bob's Visa).

PCI Compliance

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of requirements designed to ensure that ALL companies that process, store or transmit credit card information maintain a secure environment. Essentially any merchant that has a Merchant ID (MID).

The Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) was launched on September 7, 2006 to manage the ongoing evolution of the Payment Card Industry (PCI) security standards with focus on improving payment account security throughout the transaction process. The PCI DSS is administered and managed by the PCI SSC (, an independent body that was created by the major payment card brands (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and JCB).
FundRaiser is PCI Level 3 compliant.

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